No-Bid Contracts

By Tom Campbell

On June 20, 2017, the Sacramento Bee commented on a State Auditor’s report that had just been released. “The report estimates that the state spent $44 billion on noncompetitive contracts worth $1 million or more between 2011 and 2016, a substantial sum that auditors said underscored the need for better management.”  For all state contracts in excess of one-half million, competitive bids should be required.

The above are statements on several public policy issues drafted by Tom Campbell, former US Congressman, former California State Senator, former Director of Finance for California, and currently Interim Chairman of the Common Sense Party. They are meant to initiate consideration of several important issues; they are not the official views of the Common Sense Party. Please feel free to submit your own thoughts on these issues on the Open Policy Discussion Page.


Jobs in the Public Sector


Unfunded State Liabilities