Our Platform
A New Kind of Platform, for a New Kind of Party
More than any singular, hot topic issue, our politicians must represent voters over donors, and be free to collaborate and solve problems without being ostracized by their party.
Until the incentives for our politicians change, our politics will remain broken. Below is a list of reforms that need to come first before we can get meaningful solutions to the issues holding back our state and our country.
Campaign Finance Reform
Equalize access to the political arena.
The Problem:
Because running a political campaign is very expensive, big money interests dominate our elections. We must create alternative paths of funding to equalize the playing field and amplify the voices of everyday Californians who want to run for office.
Potential Solutions:
Can’t Vote, Can’t Contribute
A candidate should only be able to receive contributions from real, live persons who are eligible to vote for that candidate. That guarantees the maximum amount of accountability. Companies, unions, interest groups, and people from outside the electoral district should not be allowed to influence an election. Just real people who can vote for the candidate.
Democracy Vouchers
Democracy vouchers have made a positive impact in several cities across America. Similar to grocery store coupons, voters receive publicly-funded vouchers that they can then donate to candidates or campaigns of their choice. Those campaigns can then redeem the vouchers for dollars and use them for campaign-related expenses. Democracy vouchers amplify the voice of individual citizens by giving them a direct way to financially support candidates or campaigns.
Voting Reform
Vote for the candidate you actually like.
The Problem:
Nearly half of Americans identify as independents but feel they must choose from the lesser of two evils (or in California, hardly have choice at all). It’s past time we moved our voting system into the future — the good news is that there are many proven alternatives to choose from!
Potential Solutions:
Ranked choice voting, STAR voting, approval voting, proportional representation.
All of these systems:
Allow voters to express nuanced preferences for each candidate
Eliminate the “spoiler effect” of a third party
End the need to vote for “the lesser of two evils”
Ensure votes are not wasted
Incentivize candidates to reach out to a broader spectrum of their constituents
Encourage civil campaigning over mudslinging
Legislative Reform
Stop legislative shenanigans.
The Problem:
Our current legislative system involves too much scheming and loopholing. We must establish transparency and accountability, and refocus our legislature on solving our common problems.
Potential Solutions:
Stop budget trailer bill maneuvers that circumvent public review of legislation
Prevent last minute gut and replace amendments and make the text of bills relevant to the title, and available in advance to review
Require a recorded vote on every bill in committee
Non-partisan description of ballot measures