30 Days to Balance Budget

By Tom Campbell

If the state experiences a revenue shortfall or expenditure rise greater than 2% in any given quarter, as measured by any one of the following (Finance Director, Legislative Analyst, Controller), then the Legislature must put aside all other business and bring the budget within balance in 30 days.   If the Legislature has not succeeded, then automatic expenditure cuts across all items (to the extent permitted by the US Constitution), adequate to make up the short-fall should take effect. 

The above are statements on several public policy issues drafted by Tom Campbell, former US Congressman, former California State Senator, former Director of Finance for California, and currently Interim Chairman of the Common Sense Party. They are meant to initiate consideration of several important issues; they are not the official views of the Common Sense Party. Please feel free to submit your own thoughts on these issues on the Open Policy Discussion Page.


Unfunded State Liabilities


Budget Tied to Revenue