2/3 Requirement for Increases
By Tom Campbell
Under current law, any tax increase requires a 2/3 vote, and that should continue. Otherwise, California will increase its taxes even more. We already are the state with the highest marginal income tax rate. California is not so unique in requiring more than a majority vote for tax increases, though those wishing to spend money often try to say we are. These other states require 2/3: Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Louisiana, Oregon, South Dakota; these other states require 3/5: Delaware, Mississippi, Nevada; this state requires 3/4: Oklahoma.
The above are statements on several public policy issues drafted by Tom Campbell, former US Congressman, former California State Senator, former Director of Finance for California, and currently Interim Chairman of the Common Sense Party. They are meant to initiate consideration of several important issues; they are not the official views of the Common Sense Party. Please feel free to submit your own thoughts on these issues on the Open Policy Discussion Page.